தொகுதி - 3, சிறப்பிதழ் - 3, தொகுதி - 1, சனவரி 2021
volume - 3, special lssue - 3, volume - 1, January 2021
தமிழ்மொழி மற்றும் இலக்கியத்திற்காக எமது “தமிழ் மொழி மற்றும் இலக்கிய பன்னாட்டு ஆய்விதழ்” (IJTLLS) தம் இலக்கிய மற்றும் ஆராய்ச்சி அரும்பணியைச் செய்து வருகின்றது. இது எமது மூன்றாம் தொகுதியின் மூன்றாம் சிறப்பிதழாகும். தமிழ் மொழி மற்றும் இலக்கிய பன்னாட்டு ஆய்விதழ் (IJTLLS) செம்மையாய் செயல்பட்டு ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரைகளை இணையத்தில் பதிப்பு செய்து உள்ளது. எதிர்காலத்தில் தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சிகளை உலக அரங்கத்திற்கு எடுத்துச் செல்ல ஓர் ஆய்வுக்களமாக எமது இதழ் செயல்பட்டு வருகிறது. அதற்கு உறுதுணை அளித்த அனைவருக்கும் நன்றி.
1. ஸ்ரீராமகிருஷ்ணரின் அமுதமொழிகளின் அமுதத்துளிகள்
க. அபிலாஷா
Elixir of the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
K. Abilasha
The very essence of human existence is an eternal question. It commences with ‘Who am I’ and concludes with ‘God is the I’. It is from this eternal quest various religions, philosophies, theologies and immense amounts of literary creations have been evolved. Tamil, the classical language dealt with life, questions, fate, worship, Gods, philosophies and the answers gave rise to a treasure called ‘Bhakti Literature’. Religious literary works from other languages were also translated and widely read in Tamil. In this context, a Bengali spiritual literary work that was translated into Tamil as “Sri Ramakrishnarin Amuthamozhikal’ has been chosen as the primary text for analysis in this paper. Concepts of virtuous life, detachment in worldly affairs, complete emotional and rational engagement with the idea of God, absolute surrender to God, penance are emphasized in these three volume book The anecdotes, similes and metaphors given by Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa explain and expound the complex philosophies about God in a tasteful, vivid manner and it is easy to understand for a lay person. In order to validate the claim, other Bhakti literary texts have been used.
Keywords: Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Tamil Bhakti Literature, Self realization
2. விழி.பா. இதயவேந்தனின் ‘ஆதிக்கம்’ சிறுகதையில் பக்தி நெறி
மா. அம்மு, முனைவர் வே.மணிகண்டன்
Piety in the Short Story of Vizhi. Pa. Idhayaventhan’s ‘Aathikkam’
M. Ammu, Dr V. Manikandan
This article sets out to examine the devotional norms found in the short story on the domination of Vizhipa Ithayavendan and the struggle for their rights. Devotion and faith in God are the means by which man lives in unity and morality. In today's environment man forgets unity and lives on the basis of caste and religion. This leads to many struggles between human beings, such as the superior and the inferior, and this article examines how the author handles this in the short story.
Keywords: Piety, Short Story, Vizhi. Pa. Idhayaventhan, ‘Aathikkam’
3. தமிழ் இலக்கிய வளர்ச்சியில் வீரமாமுனிவரின் பங்கு
சகோ.ஜா. அருள் சுனிலா
The Role of Veeramamunivar in the Development of Tamil Literature
Sr.J.Arul Sunila
Tamil Literature is an ocean of virtues. Thousands of scholars tried to acquire precious pearls from this ocean. Veeramamunivar is one among them who entered India from abroad with the aim of spreading the message of Jesus. He was attracted towards Tamil and acquired the poetical skills from Tamil Literature. He was one of the foremost foreign poets who instilled innumerable fame to Tamil and still live in the hearts of many Tamil people. Although Italian, he lived as a Tamil in the literary tradition. He became famous for his various works such as prose, poem, dictionary, grammar, texts, almanac, translation and writing reform. This article emphasizes his dedication in the development of Tamil.
Keywords: Role of Veeramamunivar, Development of Tamil Literature.
4. விவிலியமும் சித்தர் இலக்கியமும் காட்டும் மூவொருமைக் கோட்பாடு
சி.எஸ். அருள்பிரகாஷ், முனைவர் பொ. சுரேஷ்
Portrayal of Trinity in Bible and Siddhar Literature
C . S. Arulprakash, Dr. P. Suresh
In Tamil Siddar Literature and Christian Biblical concept is fully influenced though the word Trinity. Three + unity = Trinity. This concept is seen everywhere. According to Christian understanding Father, Son, Holy Spirit is understood as Trinity that is one God. In one God there are three persons and three persons as one God. In the Bible, we find the functions of each persons of the Trinity are seen. It is believed that after the visit of St. Thomas, the apostle to the present Kerala has made much influenced on Tamil Literature and on the Literate. Especially, the Siddhars of Tamil Nadu namely Agasthiar, Agappai, Kuthambai, Sivavakkiyar, Pambatti Siddhar and others have spiritual doctrinal standard similar to the Bible. St.Thomas the apostle, evinces the state of trinity and Agasthiar also states about the Trinity (wisdom of Agasthiar 9, 29) Kuthambai Siddhar also makes mention of Trinity in his songs (21, 23) Agappai Siddar also mentions of Trinity in his songs.
Keywords: Trinity, Bible, St.Thomas, 18 Siddhars.
5. ஐந்தெழுத்து மந்திரம்
முனைவர் சி. அற்புதராணி
The Five Letter Manthra
Dr S. Arputharani
The most revered of the Saiva mantra is the Namashivaya mantra. “Thiruvaintheluthu” is the complete conclusion of Sivaneri that it is helpful to worship Sivaprana Sariya, Kriya and Yogas to get rid of the karma and then to attain Siva enlightenment and experience Shiva to remain in the blissful state. Namasivaya can generally mean the highest form of worship of Lord Shiva. This article explains the way in which the power of this mantra ‘Namasivaya’ conveys every meaning of the universe and the truth of the Vedas. The songs of the devotees explain the idea that the Namasivaya Mantra is to bring home the devotees who so love to the Lord that they shed tears in their eyes on hearing the divine chant.
Keywords: Namasivaya mantra (நமசிவாய மந்திரம்), Sivaneri (சிவநெறி), Sariya (சரியை), Kriya (கிரியை), Yoga (யோகம்), Consumption (நுகர்ச்சி), Anti- power (திரோதான சக்தி), Stulam (ஸ்தூலம்), Subtlety (சூட்சமம்), The great cause (மகா காரணம்).
6. பெரியாழ்வார் காட்டும் கண்ணனின் அவதாரச் சிறப்புகள்
முனைவா் செ. அன்பு
Facets of Kannan's Incarnation as shown by Periyarvar
Dr.S. Anbu
There are four thousand devotional songs sung by the twelve Alvars in worship of Tirumala. They are revered in the name of the Four Thousand Prabhupadas. Among them, Periyalvar has sung many devotional songs on the incarnations of Thirumal. His songs show great devotion and involvement on Thirumal when reading the lyrics. Vaishnavism means associated with Vishnu. Vishnu is also called as Thirumal, Narayanan and Mayon. Tolkappiyar mentions Vaishnavism in his poem. News about Thirumal is also found in Sangam literature. One can find the lyrics about Thirumal in “Kalitthokai” also. But those who fully developed the Vaishnavite ideology in Tamil are the twelve Alvars. Hence, this paper focuses on the different forms of Lord Kannan’s Incarnations to bring out the elegance in it.
Keywords: Kannan, Incarnation, Periyalvar.
7. விவேகானந்தரின் மதம் சார் தத்துவங்கள்
Religious Philosophy of Vivekananda
For every century monks, saints, apostles and clergy men have appeared and spread good teachings and good thoughts among the people. Swami Vivekananda’s discourse on the spiritual journey was much admired not only by Hindus but by all religious people of different nations. He taught people the good thoughts and ideas of all religions such as Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity. Vivekananda grow up with an egalitarian nature from his early age. That is why he accepted the good ideas of all religions. Vivekananda was a more uplifting orator than a Hindu monk. This article details the spiritual journey of Swami Vivekananda and his stand and rational religious philosophy of him.
Keywords: Soul, Monk, Apostles, Religion, Swami Vivekananda
8. செவ்வேளும் இயற்கையும்
முனைவர் மோ.அனுசூயா
CevvēḶum IyaṞkaiyum (Nature and Chevvel)
Dr M. Anusooya
Before the emergence of civilization in various parts of the world, the Tamil race excelled in civilization and culture. One such cultural element in the Tamil society is worship. The worship tradition of the Tamils has two major divisions. One is ancestral and the other is natural worship. Basically, Tamils are nature worshipers. Dictionaries give the meaning of worship, to walk, to follow, to follow, to discipline, to worship. Various interpretations of worship have been put forward that the acts and rituals performed to please the deities are worship, that worship is to mingle with the Lord, and that worship is to open the doors of the soul to the Lord. Lord Muruga is called as Chevvel and he has been worshiped by the Tamil people with close association to nature and Tamil language. This article propels to find hoe Lord Muruga is praised in related to natural terms.
Keywords: Murugan, Worship, Lord Muruga, CevvēḶ, Tamil Society.
9. “மணிமேகலை” காப்பியத்தில் விருச்சிக முனிவரின் முதன்மை - ஒரு கூர்நோக்குப் பார்வை
முனைவர் த. ஆதித்தன்
Importance of Saint Viruchika in “Manimegalai” Epic – A Keen Perspective
Dr. T. Athithan
The “Manimegalai” epic is an extension of storytelling, character and the ancient spiritual practices practiced on those times. There will be always a protagonist in an epic that plays an important role but in “Manimegalai” the subordinate character also equally plays an important role. In a wagon, the chakra (wheel) plays an important role but without an axle the wheel can’t rotate so they both play equally an important role, the same is true between the importance of the main character and subordinate character. The epic “Manimegalai” can’t be fulfilled without the role of Saint Viruchika, as he plays a crucial role in the development of the epic. The benefit of Amuthasurabhi has been portrayed into fulfilment after the deeds of Saint Viruchika. So, the spiritual path of Manimegalai to elevate starvation starts by the role and deed of Saint Viruchika. Hence, the article culls out the related evidences.
Keywords: Saint Viruchika, “Manimegalai”, Hunger, Starvation, Karunkani, Amuthasurabhi.
10. திண்ணனும் முக்கண்ணனும்
முனைவர் செ.ஆனந்தி
Thinnan and Lord Siva
Dr S.Ananthi
Religious epic literature and religious literature appeared after the Sangam period. These times gave everything to the society like grammar, literature, medicine, morality. The consensus of the whole religion is that this community should live together. Unity elevates one to the idea that one should love all living beings and live beyond color, religion, language, race, country, pleasure, suffering and inequality. We know this through religions.If you slap one cheek, show the other cheek - Jesus
It is good nature to love the enemy – Prophet Muhammad
Whenever I saw a withered crop, I withered - Valalaar
It is the intention of all as one tribe, one God - Thirumoolar,
That all the people in this world should live together in morality. It was this lofty thought that made them gracious. There is more to assuming that God and demon are one, and the Lord made it clear that dear Shiva. He who considers the suffering of others as his own suffering, and who puts himself in the position of others is considered gracious whenever his mind matures to this state. In that sense, this article explores and discusses the extreme grace of the benefactor who was astonished to see Thirugnasambanthar, Thirunavukkarasar and Maanikkavasagar, Pattinathar. Thinnan is no exception in the divine comedy of the Lord Shiva. This article probes the events related to Thinnan and Lord Shiva.
Keywords:Thinnan, Lord Siva, Thirukaalathi Hill, Kudumithevar (Sivan).
11. கோவில்களில் இசை வழிபாடு
நா.உமா மகேஸ்வரி
Musical Worship in Temples
N.Uma Maheswari
The aim of this paper is to highlight the difference between rich cultural heritage of reciting Devaram, Divya Prabhandham and other Saiva hymns role in temple worship. In Bakthi marga, the tradition is build up by music & drama. Specially, Devaram recitation is still followed by many temples but Divya Prabhandam was not uttered like that. In Vaishnavam, new branch of art forms Arayar Sevai & Bagavatha Meala were popularised. On the whole Bakthi with music and dance is ever lasting inseparable tradition in temple worship in Tamil Nadu.
Keywords: Devaram, Divya Prabhandam, Arayar Sevai, Bagavatha Mela, Te,ple Worship.
12. நாயன்மார்களின் பக்தி நெறிக்குத் துணை நின்ற இல்லத்தரசிகள்
முனைவர் ச.உமாராணி
Spouses who Aided to the Devotional Life of Nayanmars
In the spiritual life of the ancient Tamil tradition, wives of the Nayanmars place a vital place due to their loyalty and love on their life partners. The divine quality of the wives also is the real factor in the spiritual life success of the Nayanmars. Hence, the aim of this research paper is to decode the wives of the Nayanmars who have supported greatly to the Devotional life of the Nayanmars as portrayed in “Periyapuranam”. In addition to that this also reveals that the wife of the Ilayankudi Mara Nayanar and Iyarpagai Nayanar’s devotion towards the God and their life partners.
Keywords: Spouses, Support, Devotional Life, Nayanmars, Devotion.
13. திருக்கோயில்கள் வளர்த்த பக்தி இசை இலக்கியங்கள்
முனைவர் செ. எழில்ராமன்
Devotional Musical Literature and Temples Rituals
Music is regarded as the purest form that has played a vital role in preserving and propagating the religious sentiments in temples. The temples in Srirangam and Chidambaram are the first and foremost temples which played a significant role in the preservation of music. Music connects the histories of many temples. Bhakthi is the supreme emotion expressed through music before God. Every aspect of composition in classical carnatic music, gives importance to Bhakthi. In many temples the slabs are engraved with compositions and musical sculptures, musical instruments and musician within the temple enclosures that shows the heredity of Music. Hence, the paper investigates the association of devotional music and temple rituals.
Keywords: Sevviyal, Swaram, Alapanai, Thalam, Devaramudalikal, Temples Rituals.
14. திவ்விய தேசங்களில் திருக்கூடலூர்
முனைவர் செ.கணேசமூர்த்தி
Thirukoodalur One of the Divya Desa
Thirukoodalur is one of the 108 Vaishnava Divya Desa located in Papanasam Taluk, Thanjavur District. It is constructed by Rani Mangama who was the descendant of the Nayak. The prodigious and stunning appearance of the temple’s Compound wall make the viewers astonished. The Sthala Vriksha (monumental tree) is Jack tree. The significance of the tree is witnessing a root in the shape of Cone shell or Cone. The temple entrance is elevated with penta- strata structure which admires much. The idol of Rani Mangama is placed in the compound wall. Among twelve Alwars, Thirumangai Alwar has sung ten Paasuram and it is praised as Manglasashana. The songs of Thirumangai Alwar portray the importance and significance of Divya Desa and also it express the nature’s beauty of Thirukoodalur. It also projects the Humans life. This temple faces toward East; the God Perumal is called as Vaiyyam Kaatha Perumal and the God of Mother, Pushpavalli thaayaar. In addition to that there is an individual Sanctum for the both Chakkrathaalvar and Naachiyaar in the temple. This article scrutinizes the details about the Thirukoodalur temple.
Keywords: “Thirukoodalur”, “History of Temple”, 108 Vaishnava Divya Desa.
15. ஆண்டாள் பாடல்களில் இயற்கை திறனாய்வு
முனைவர் ஜெ. கவிதா
A Natural Criticism of the Songs of Andal
Dr J.Kavitha
Andal is a popular Bakthi Movement Poetess in the nineteenth century. She is well known for her spiritual elevation and through that how she has reached the foot of the god using her philosophical composition ‘Thiruppavai’, which is an admirable one. In her young age, she started to compose the hymns of Thiruppavai, Nachiyar Thirumozhi and Vaaranam Aayiram. She praises Lord Vishnu in the poetry Thiruppavai. Thiruppavai is the collection of thirty poems in Tamil. Andal’s action can be seen as a sacrifice of her worldly possessions in order to spiritually gain Krishna. This paper expresses the Natural ideas as related to devotion in the songs of Andal.
Keywords: Natural Criticism, Songs of Andal, Bhakthi
16. ஆழ்வார் பாசுரங்களில் பக்திநெறி
முனைவர் மு.கவிதா
Spiritual Doctrine in the Hymns of the Alvars
Religions guide the people and society to the moral path. It shapes the human mind to virtuous state and tames the society to live in accordant with the didactic values of life. The Vaishnava poetry is called Nalayaram Dhivya Prabandham, was sung by the Alvars; the greatest disciples of Lord Vishnu. Among the twelve Alvars, this research portrays the path of Periyalvar, Thirumangaialvar, and Aandal. Periyalvar characterizes himself as lonely mother and god as lovable child through his poems. Thirumangaialvar depicts himself as sad solitary lover of god and god as the rescuer. As a woman, Aandal clearly opens out to god to show her extreme love to him. The major theme of this study is to describe the spiritual level of these of three Alvars.
Keywords: Spirituality, Hymns, Alvars, Periyalvar, Thirumangaialvar, Aandal
17. பதி – பசு – பாசம்
முனைவர் மூ.கவிதா
Pathi – Pasu – Paasam (Trinity)
Dr. M.Kavitha
“Thirumanthiram” is a Shiva Akamam blessed in Tamil by Thirumoolar. “Thirumanthiram” is the tenth edition of the series of Saiva editions. Divided into nine cantos, it contains three thousand songs. “Thirumanthiram” is a book that talks about devotion, teaching, philosophy, yoga, enlightenment, meditation, chakras and many other virtues of life. In Thirumoolar's “Thirumandiram”, the Guru has taught a song about the status of the trinity of Pathi, Pasu and Pasam. This article serves as a descriptive study of the chosen subject.
Keywords: Siddhantham, Pathi, Pasu, Paasam, Iraivan, Aanmaa, Malam.
18. கம்பரின் வைணவ ராமாயணமும் கச்சியப்பரின் சைவ கந்தபுராணமும் - ஒப்பீடு
முனைவர் ப. கவிதா
Comparison of Vainava Kambaramayanam and Saiva Kachiappar Kandhapuranam
Dr. P. Kavitha
In Tamil literature, the work of Vainava “Kambaramayanam” and Saiva “Kandapuranam” scores its highest place in the line of epics of Tamil Language. The two different epics “Kambaramayanam” and “Kandhapuranam” are the vital one in use to bring down human relations in the ancient age. Most of the Tamil epics are naturally embedded with such rhetoric elements. Therefore, the aim of the research article fosters to decipher the epic features embedded with the perfect Tamil prosody. In this paper, in particular, brief comparative differences and similarities between various important characters of two different epics are presented for better understanding.
Keywords: Tamil Epics, Comparision, “Kambharamayanam”, “Kandhapuranam".
19. திருப்பாவை வெளிப்படுத்தும் ஆன்மீகமும் அறிவியலும்
முனைவர் இரா.கவிதா
Exposure of Spirituality and Science in Thiruppavai
There is only one woman in the twelve Alvars who has given her deep impact in the spiritual longing through her hymns to the God, She is Alvar Andal Nachiyar. The devotion of her is many times higher than the devotion of other Alvars. Fasting to the ablution of karma is the women do during the month of Margazhi to achieve their desired husband. Every woman fasts to achieve the grace of Kannan to get their beloved husband. Andal dedicated her life to marry Lord Krishna and expresses her feelings and thoughts that exhibit her love. The sacred work “Thiruppavai” is highly spiritual and scientific in its concept. Hence, the article is to explain the spiritual and scientific ideas to people who are under the illusion of the world and to inform the true meaning from it.
.Keywords: Aandal, “Thiruppavai” Aalvar, Kannan, Margazhi, Spirituality and Science.
20. திருவண்ணாமலை மாவட்டக் கோயில்களில் விழாக்களும் வழிபாட்டு முறைகளும்
முனைவர் து. கன்னியப்பன்
Festivals and Worship at the Temples in Thiruvannamalai District
Dr. T. Kanniyappan
This article markes an earnest attempt to explore the festivals and different forms of worship practiced in the select Saiva temples in Thiruvannamalai District. It also defines the different festivals celebrated in these temples and the different forms of worship in an ample way. Thiruvannamalai Shiva temple is a world famous temple in the district and the study delineates the special festures of Paruvadha Malai Temple, Thiruvathur River Festival, Avanaiyapuram Temples, Thiruppanagadu Temples, The Cave Temples of Nerungundram and the temples of importance in and around Thiruvannamalai.
Keywords: Temples, Festivals, Saiva Temples, Thiruvannamalai District
21. மலையாளத்தில் பக்தி இலக்கியம்
முனைவர் ச.காமராஜ், முனைவா் ப. ஜெயகிருஷ்ணன்
Bhakthi Literature in Malayalam
Dr.S.Kamaraj, Dr.P. Jeyakrishnan
The Bhakti movement is a renaissance movement in India. The term ‘Bhakti Prasthanam’ is used to describe the total number of poets and their works in the field of devotion throughout India during the 12th to 17th centuries. The influence of the devotional movement was evident in many fields such as literature, sculpture, painting, music, and dance. It grew into a people’s movement. It can be said that the devotional movement started in South India in the early 4th century. The devotional movement in Kerala attracted a large part of the rulers and monarchs. In fact, the Hinduism we see today appeared in Kerala in the 8th centuries with the advent of Brahmin colonization, before which were ancient Dravidian, Buddhist and Jain religions, during which Christianity and later Islam appeared in Kerala. The bhakti movement in Kerala started only at the end of 15th century. Of course, Kulashakara Alvar who wrote “Mukunda Malai” in Sanskrit and several Tamil works belonged to Kerala. This Bhakti movement of Kerala was led by four great poets viz. Thunchathu Ezhuthachan and Poonthanam preferred to write in Malayalam. Sri Krishna Karnamritham of Bilwamangalam who was one of the pioneers of Krishna bhakti movement. Ramacharitham is the first literary work of devotional literature in Malayalam. Moreover, all the early literatures in Malayalam were Bhakti literature. Not only that, but over time, devotional literature has come to the force. Therefore, this research paper deals with bhakti literature in Malayalam.
Keywords: Bhakthi Literature, Malayalam, Pattu Literature, South India.
22. சைவ வைணவத்தில் பௌத்தத்தாக்கங்கள்
கா.கிருத்திகா, முனைவர் சி. அங்கயற்கண்ணி
Impacts of Buddhist Morality in Saivam and Vaishnavam
K .Kiruthika, Dr. C.Angayarkanni
Religious Literatures of Saivam and Vaishnavam broadly arose in 7th Century AD in History of Tamil Literature. There are lots of glimpses that show the impact of Buddhist ideology found in the Saiva and Vishnava spiritual texts. The values of life are portrayed in an exemplanary manner. They will render a fulfilled value of life whoever comes across the didactic norms. Hence, this Article discusses about impact of Buddhist morality in Saivam and Vaishnavam in an investigative level.
Keywords: Aram, Morality, Buddhism, Saivam, Vaishnavam.
23. கணியான் கூத்துக் கலையும் சுடலை மாடசாமி வழிபாடும்
சோ.கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி, முனைவர் த. ஆதித்தன்
Kaniyan Koothu and Sudalai Madasamy Worship
S.Krishnamoorthy, Dr.T. Athithan
Folklore is the art form and art literature was created by folk people of the society. Tamil tradition and culture can be seen through many folk literatures. Folklore refers to all kinds of elements and the activities of the folk population. Among them, Folk songs are an important part of folklore. This article sets out to explore the Kaniyan Koothu which is an art performed by most of the folk people in Tamil rural areas. It is practised very enthusiastically by the southern districts of Tamil Nadu. Moreover, it briefs about the worship of Sudalai madasamy through the genre Kaniyan Koothu.
Keywords: Kaniyan Koothu, Maguda Music, Sudalai Madasamy.
24. சங்க இலக்கியங்களில் சமயக் கோட்பாடுகளும் விழுமியங்களும்
Religious Doctrines and Values in Sangam Literature
Dr. S.Kothai Eswari
Literary works of Sangam period represent the eminent features of our Tamil language. The Sangam Literature has been divided as external life and internal life in order to represent the social customs of Tamil people Worshipping Five natural elements and Minor deities are very important in their lives. This is proved by worshipping tombstone in memory to the ancestors and the dead soldiers. Lamp lighting offering with dance was symbols of Tamil culture and worshipping customs. So, that literary works of Sangam period are like a treasury for Tamil tradition.
Keywords:Sangam Literature, Theory of Natural Elements, Lord Worship, Worshipping Lord Muruga, Offering with dance, Kuravai Koothu, Animal offering, Worshipping Lord Varuna the God of rain.
25. சிவவாக்கியரின் பாடல்களில் இறை வாழிபாடு
மா. கோமதி, முனைவர். இரா.வசந்தமாலை
Prayer to the Almighty in Sivavakkiar Songs
M.Gomathi, Dr.R.Vasanthamalai
The ancient man, unable to comprehend the power of nature, began to worship them with fear. In the beginning Nature worship and later Scriptural Aryan worship emerged and flourished. Worship of the Aryan scriptures divided the people into high and low, creating inequality. The Siddhas emerged to denigrate the Vedas and the superstitions that seek God outside and persuaded to seek God within us. Agathiyar, Kaduveli Siddhar, Kagabhusandar, Sivavakkiar and Pattinathar are some notable siddars. Sivavakkiar songs expressed alternative views on gods, worship, garlands, and objects of worship. They severely criticize the mode of seeking God on the outside. The way of worship in Siddhar songs is set to be investigated through the valuable ideas in it.
Keywords: Prayer, Almighty, Sivavakkiar Songs.
26. சங்க அக இலக்கியங்களில் இறை பக்தியும் உவமையும்
இரா.கோமதி, முனைவர் வே.மணிகண்டன்
Piety and Metaphor in the Sangam Internal Literature
R.Gomathi, Dr.V. Manikandan
The treasury of the Tamil language is the Sangam Literature and the Devotional Literature. All the people in the world worship according to the circumstances in which they live. It can be said that worship is a classic way of life that matures the mind set of human begins and allows them to live happily with the grace of God. Worship is the act of preventing people from going astray and teaching those good deeds such as love, morality and other virtues of life. It is worship that teaches love to all people in the world and makes man to reach the highest level. Tamils have been worshiping the lord on the basis of the five elements in the “Tholkappiyam”. A parable is an illustration of the similarities between two things. This is a metaphor used by poets to convey their ideas simply and concisely eight volumes in Sangam internal literature such as “Natrinai”, “Kurunthogai”, “Aingurunooru”, “Kalithogai” and “Agananooru”. The article portrays how the divine deities are symbolically compared in the article on the basis of devotion and parables in the Sangam internal literature.
Keywords: “Tholkappiyam”, Simile, Parable, Religion, Worship, Devotion.
27. ஆண்டாளின் திருமணக் கனவுப் பாடல்கள்
முனைவர் கோ.சி. கோலப்பதாஸ்
Wedding Dream Songs of Andal
This paper evinces about the wedding dream songs of Andal. In a holy place named Srivilliputhur there lived a man named Vishnu Sithar who is the father of Andal. He was later named as Perivazhwar. He features Karuda Azhwar. By Thirumal's grace he got a girl child who looked beautiful and he named the child as Kodhai. When Andal matured up to the age of marriage, her father Periyazhwar asked her wish and she replied that she won't marry humans, if at all she marries she will die. Andal preferred to marry Thirumal because she was a dutiful devotee to him and liked him to be her husband. Andal tells that Thirumal knows everything and he will accept her love and take her to the abode of heaven. She tells that she was ready to wear flower garland and Tali in the perception of the divine marriage. There are many hymns related to the wedding dreams of Andal and it becomes the imperative of the study.
Keywords: Wedding, Dream Songs, Andal.