Volume - 6 Issue - 2 January 2024
தொகுதி - 6, இதழ் - 2, சனவரி 2024
Articles 01-17
தமிழ்மொழி மற்றும் இலக்கியத்திற்காக எமது தமிழ்மொழி மற்றும் இலக்கிய பன்னாட்டு ஆய்விதழ் (Ijtlls) இலக்கிய மற்றும் ஆராய்ச்சி அரும்பணியைச் செய்து வருகின்றது. இது எமது ஆறாவது தொகுதியின் இரண்டாம் இதழாகும். இதில் பதினேழு ஆய்வுக்கட்டுரைகள் இடம் பெற்றுள்ளன. இவ்வகையான சிறந்த ஆய்வுக்கட்டுரைகளின் ஆய்வுத்தொகுப்பினை ஆய்வாளர்களுக்கு வழங்குவதில் பெரு மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறேன். ஆய்வாளர்களின் அனைத்து கட்டுரைகளையும் ஆய்வு நெறிமுறைகளின்படி தணிக்கைச் செய்து மதிப்புரை வழங்கி செம்மைப்படுத்தி தமிழ் மொழி மற்றும் இலக்கிய பன்னாட்டு ஆய்விதழ் (IJTLLS) இணையத்தில் பிரசுரம் செய்து உள்ளது. எதிர்காலத்தில் தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சிகளை உலக அரங்கத்திற்கு எடுத்துச் செல்ல ஓர் ஆய்வுக்களமாக எமது இதழ் செயல்பட்டு வருகிறது. அதற்கு உறுதுணை அளித்த அனைவருக்கும் நன்றி.
- பதிப்பாசிரியர்
1. கிருஷ்ணகிரி வட்டாரத்தில் சல்லிக்கட்டு விளையாட்டு முறை
முனைவர் ம. ஆத்மலிங்கம்
Jallikattu Sport in Krishnagiri Region
Dr. M. Aathmalingam
Tamil people are war tribes in the ancient times. Then, they start to live in the form of society. Tamil people of the Sangam period began to divide their lives into internal (Agam - love, life etc) and external (Puram - business, war) lives. According to Tamil culture, a man living with valour is the protection of himself and his dependents. It is considered a virtue in every life of an individual. Therefore, the young men made themselves potential in physical and mental strength. In the Sangam times, it is evident that Tamils practised the habit of taming the fierce bulls to show their valour. The war heroes mount the bull to prove their valour before going to war and the one who wants to marry a Sangam women of noble birth have to tame or mount a bull in the common place. Continiously, these heroic sports are conducted at festival times; especially at the Pongal festival that marks the beginning of the Tamil month Thai (Spring season) in the English month of January. The men were testified for their bravery and character. In the development of these times, Jallikattu heroic games are seen as a symbol of Tamil culture in every town and hamlet. Thus, this article highlights the Jallikattu sport engaged in the Krishnagiri area.
Keywords: Valour, Tamil Culture, Jallikattu, Sangam Literature, Krishnagiri.
2. கந்தர்வன் கதைகளில் தொழிலாளர்கள் நிலை
சி. ஆறுமுகம் & முனைவர் து. கோவிந்தராஜீலு
Status of Workers in the Stories of Gandharvan
C. Arumugam & Dr. D. Govindarajulu
Man in the world has been living life without knowing the exact answer to their origin. The world that emerged from the Big Bang has evolved over millions of years and many species have appeared and are living in this world. Based on their intellectual capacity, living organisms are divided into semi-intelligent, intelligent and multi-intelligent species. Each living being passes through each stage of knowledge and emerges as each being, maturing and experiencing, with the longing to enjoy its highest pleasure. In Tamil culture, The best of all births is the human birth. It is worrying that even in this human birth, man could not live as a free man due to caste, religion and unethical social structure. In this case, every person tries to lead his life according to his place of birth, situation, economic background etc. All the working people in any part of the world belong to the same class. Liberation occurs in the lives of workers only when they unite as workers. Writers are capable of transforming the events of society into creative work. The Tamil Gandharvan has recorded in his works about the pathetic condition of industry and workers, the effects of capitalism on workers, the plight of poor workers and women workers and the life struggles of workers who want to be freed from them. Most of the Gandharvan stories are based on rural life, but he has made the stories based on the life of the workers in many of his stories to show the condition of the working labourers and their families. This article is intended to highlight the status of the working-class people and their plights in Tamil Nadu.
Keywords: Tamil Literature, Labour, Working Class, Society, Capitalism, Gandharvan.
3. யானைகளும் தமிழக மலசர் பழங்குடிகளும்
ச. கல்பனா & முனைவர் க. கலாவதி
Elephants (Elephas maximus) and the Malasar Tribes of Tamil Nadu
S. Kalpana & Dr. G. Galavathi
The relationship between Elephants and humans in Tamil Nadu has an age-old tradition and has been depicted in the 3000-year-old rock painting, having images of elephants and men. In Sangam Literature, there are more than fifty names for elephants. During the Sangam Period, the elephants were trained and used for warfare. The Elephants are marked as the symbol of the valour of the King. Eventually, they have a vital place in the Tamil rituals. Since from ancient period, the names of towns or places are given by the names referring the Elephants. In Tamil language, there are several proverbs and stories, highlighting the importance of the Elephants. The usage of the trained elephants was highly dependent on warfare activities. After the advent of modern weapons, the need for elephant force in warfare has decreased. Since 1857, Elephants have been maintained in the Wildlife Sanctuary by the Forest Department for logging work. In addition to that, a few elephants were kept in zoological parks for research and entertainment. The Government banned logging in the reserve forests in 1994 and the captive Elephants were kept in the camps for eco-tourism also well-trained elephants (kumki) are used for activities to control the wild elephants. At present, the Forest Department of Tamil Nadu manages the elephant camps at Mudumalai Tiger Reserve’s Theppakadu and Anamalai Tiger Reserve’s Kozhikamuthi in the Western Ghats. In these camps, the tribal people play a vital role in maintaining the Elephants. The Malasar Tribes, at Kozhikamuthi are engaged in the maintenance of elephants and have a cultured lifestyle in harmony with nature. Hence, this article describes the relationship between the Malasar Tribes and Elephants and their Elephant care practices, emphasizing behaviours to avoid Human-Elephant conflict without disturbing biodiversity from the Malasars living alongside them.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Elephant Camps, Elephant Welfare, Malasar Tribes.
4. கலித்தொகையில் இயற்கை சூழலியல் பதிவுகள்
முனைவர் வீ. கவிதா
Natural Ecology Records in Kalithokai
Dr. V. Kavitha
Among the languages in use today, the Tamil language has literary richness with a timeless past. Many languages have appeared in the world like a whirlwind and have changed and disappeared over time. It is noteworthy that despite the dominance of foreign languages and the dominance of foreign influence, the Tamil language remains independent of its state and has not lost its ability to maintain linguistic harmony even today. In literature, the poet’s thoughts are formed by a series of words and the poems are created with the highest aim of improving human life with new concepts and virtues from time to time. In Tamil culture, grammar and literature have been created according to the characteristics of the prevailing social conditions in those times. Sangam literature belongs to such a glorious tradition. Sangam literature is considered to be of two types - Agam Songs (internal literature) and Puram Songs (external literature). “Kalithokai” is one of the famous Tamil poetic works that come under Sangam literature. One of the special reasons to study these songs is for the natural beauty in them that permeates life. Through Sangam songs, one can know that Sangam Tamils led their lives in harmony with nature knowing the values of life. Indeed, they gave life and feeling to natural objects and respected them. The life in which nature and man lived together is seen as the life of the Sangha period.
Keywords: Sangam Literature, Kalithokai, Natural Ecology, Contemplation.
5. செவ்வியல் இலக்கியங்களில் நீரின் ஆளுமைத்திறன்
முனைவர் வெ. நளினி
Influence of Water in Classical Literature
Dr. V. Nalini
Tamil landscape is surrounded by natural resources in ancient days. Nature is the greatest treasure and boon given by God to human beings. The five Panchabhutas (elements) are earth, water, fire, air and sky. Tamil people revered them. Nature is the principle of all actions. The five elements earth, water, fire, air, and water work together in all. The body of all living beings functions in relation to it. From the one-sense beings like grass and trees to the six-sense beings like man water functions vitally. The wealth of land depends according to the liveliness of the water. Tamil people gave more importance to water and preserved it in many ways. Indeed, the entire world is full of beautiful landscapes surrounded by oceans. On all sides trees spread like green blankets; forests with flowers blooming like butterflies, waterfalls like silver threads and rivers running like deer are the special features of nature. Without water, one cannot see this live interaction of nature with the parts of nature. Tamil literature has recorded many glimpses of water in works from the Sangam age to the present age of Tamil criticism. Hence, this article is intended to reveal the importance of water from authentic sources from literature and research.
Keywords: Sangam Literature, Ecosystems, Water, Water Pollution.
6. சு. சமுத்திரத்தின் புதினங்களில் ஒப்பந்தத் தொழிலாளர்களின் அவலநிலை
முனைவா் ஜெ. நிர்மலா தேவி
The Plight of Contract Labourers in the Select Novels of Su. Samuthiram
Dr. J. Nirmala Devi
Various construction works like highways, bridges, dams etc are decided on a global contract basis in India. Therefore, the contractors who carry out the work on a contract basis, hire construction workers from another state to another state, another country to another country. Due to unemployment, ignorance, poverty and different locations, religions and language barriers, these workers are living in a difficult situation where they cannot raise their voices for their rights with anyone. People running in a fast-paced world do not stop and look at the problems of these workers. They live in utter mystery and suffer endless misfortunes and crises. Even though the government, NGOs, other socially responsible associations and social activists raise their voices for their rights and basic living measures, they are being denied and unnotified. Tamil literature in the 21st century has many novels dealing with these problems. A few literary writers consider their problems and sufferings with care and write their lives into creative works. Su. Samuthiram is one of the famous Tamil writers who wrote about the plight of contract labourers in a spectacular view. It shows his social responsibility and the transformation he needs in the lives of the workers. This article examines the plight of contract labourers as portrayed in his novels 'Puthiya Thiripurangal', 'Sathya Avesam' and 'Orunaal Pothuma?'.
Keywords: Tamil Literature, Su. Samuthiram, Novels, Plight, Contract Labourers.
7. செம்மீன் நாவலில் செம்படவர் பண்பாடு
பொன். கனகா
Sempadavar Culture in the Novel Semmeen
Pon. Kanaga
Today, it has become an important need to look back in search of the roots of our culture. One should accept the truth that what existed several years ago is being the need of today. If one looks backward then only one should know the existence, continuity and extension of our heritage. Moreover, it will be make ourself able to discern what we had lost and what we must try to preserve. The life of people has been registered via the creative works to depict the lives of the certain group of people. The life of the discriminated communities are not shopwh exactly at any instanmce. Some writers have taken the themes in hand and portrayed their lives through their novels. Semmeen is a novel written in Malayalam in the nineteenth century by thagazhi Sivasankara Pillai. It was translated into Tamil by Sundara Ramasamy. Fishermen belonging to the Sembadavar tribe lived on the coast of Kerala. The novel Semmeen explores the culture of the fishermen who lived in the slums of Sembadava with the family of Sembankunju as the central plot. The culture of the fishing community is diverse. By examining this novel, the customs, life rituals, beliefs and other cultural elements of the Sembadavar people can be known.
Keywords: Semmeen Novel, Coastal People, Cultural Elements.
8. திருமந்திரத்தில் இயற்கை சார் பதிவுகள்
திருமதி. மா. மஞ்சுளா & முனைவர் க. கலாவதி
Nature Records in Thirumandhiram
Mrs. M. Manjula & Dr. G. Galavathi
Thirumoolar is one of the sixty-three Nayanmars and one of the eighteen Siddas of Tamil Nadu. He gave the Secret truth of Mantra, Tantra, Medicine, Yoga, Life and Philosophical Satras in his treatise “Thirumandiram”. He is revered for providing life truths through the Tamil language to make good for the generation. Through his knowledge, he has done a great service to society and given noble ideas to protect nature. Thirumoolar is the pioneer of the Siddhar who has used natural herbs and pranayama from the universe and brought them to the earth to prevent oldness and wrinkles and to win old age. Thirumoolar realized that if natural resources are destroyed, the universe will also deteriorate. So, he recommends that individuals should practice keen health through austerity, cleanliness, exercise and brahmacharya in a prompt manner. This article examines the relationship between man and nature found in “Thirumandram”. It explains the natural degradation caused by the creation of the body after death and the methods of preventing the spread of epidemics between humans through the life-saving air Prana.
Keywords: Thirumantram, Thirumoolar, Siddhar, Pancha Buddhas, Pranayama.
9. கூத்தராற்றுப்படை குறிஞ்சிநிலச் சூழலில் ஒலிக்குறிப்புப் பதிவுகள்
வெ. மாரிச்செல்வி & முனைவர் அ. விஜயலட்சுமி
Sound References in Kootharatruppadai Kurinchi Landscape
V. Mariselvi & Dr. A. Vijayalakshmi
The Sangam literature records the life of Palanthamizhar. Among them, the “Kootharatruppadai” reveals the life of the marginal people of the Sangam age like Koothar, Panar, Viraliyar and so on. The theme of the work is the expression of natural life in it. “Malaipadukadam” - means a great, fertile mountain that sounds like the clopping of a Musth elephant. This book has 583 verses sung by Perungausikanar in dedication to the king named Nannan Sey Nannan. Nannan was a Duke belonging to the tribal society tht belongs to the Navira Hills with Sengam as its capital. “Malaipadukadam” has evidence of different sound notes. It is referred to as female, male, animal sounds and common sounds. These are divided into categories of happiness and suffering. There are sounds of war, warning, work and day-to-day chores. The sound produced by the musical instruments is seen in the work. It is said that a cloud-like humming sound comes from a cloud-like drum, a small drum that makes a sound like an ili, and a flat drum with a frog's voice. Many types of musical instruments are seen in the work. The sound of the water fall, the sound of the Kuravas ringing the bells during the grain guarding are also seen. The cries of the victims injured by the porcupine, the song of Kodichiyar singing for the healing of her husband's chest wounds, and the idiocy of the voice of a man, when he loses his mate are similar. This analysis reveals the sound cues expressed in “Malaipadukadam”.
Keywords: Kootharatruppadai, Kurinji, Sounds, Navira Hill, Sengam, Nannan.
10. வள்ளலாரும் சூழலியல் பாதுகாப்பும்
முனைவர் வெ. ரா. மீனாட்சி
Vallalar and Environment Sustainability
Dr. V. R. Meenakshi
The universe is not a place where human beings alone can live. It is a world in which all living beings live. The five elements of nature are common for all species to enjoy and the past generations have used them without any spoil or any dismantlement. But the modern-day men do not bother to collectively live with other creatures in peace. So the ecosystem is highly disturbed now. Scientists and scholars insist that the ecosystem should be maintained. Nature should be sustained and protected for the goodness of all. Literature also promises the same that humans should coordinate with nature and live amicably with it. The research scholars receive knowledge not only from studies but they closely connect them to nature and it is proved through the truths in their writings. In Tamil Literature, “Thirukural” implies the same content insisting that nature should be protected. According to him, the universe runs with the essential five elements called "Panchabhutas" - space, air, fire, water and land. The environment is interconnected to it. Saint Ramalinga Adigal, commonly called Vallalar is a noble Tamil saint who gave more importance to nature and the sustainability of nature. He is known for his love for humanity, benevolence and compassion for all living beings. He belonged to the 18th century and introduced "Jeevakarunyam" as the only way to live an eternal happy and peaceful life. He created a sub-sect in the Saiva religion; Sanmarga Sangam - the path of the good to promote harmony. Vallalar in his works has revealed many facts on nature, the environment and virtues for environmental sustainability and human eternity.
Keywords: Vallalar, Environment, Sustainability, Sanmarga Sangam, Jeevakarunyam.
11. ரா. இராகவையங்காரின் செவ்விலக்கியப் பதிப்புகளை அடையாளப் படுத்தலும் மதிப்பிடலும்
இ. முனியசாமி & முனைவர் மு. முனீஸ் மூர்த்தி
Unique Identification and Evaluation of the Classical Literary Editions of Ra. Ragavaiyangar
I. Muniasamy & Dr. M. Munees Moorthy
Ra. Ragavaiyangar was born in Thennavarayan Pudukottai in the Sivagangai district of the Pandian country. He has published 16 books. Among them, there are nine texts which belong to the classical genre. Among them, the first editions are “Ainthinai Impathu”, “Thinaimalai Nootraimpathu” and “Muthollayiram” of Ra. Ragavaiyangar. S. Karumbayaram mentions that the first edition of “Thinaimalai Nootraimpathu” was published by Ra. Ragavaiyangar in the year 1908. However, it can be known that in 1904, “Thinaimalai Nootraimpathu” was published by Ra.Ragavaiyangar. Ragavaiyangar also published a book giving more explanation about some of the facts about the “Tholkappiyam” Seiyullurai”. He also wrote an explanation for the book when he taught the students of Annamalai University at the request of many associates. In his edition of “Perumpanatrupadai” by doing extensive research, he concluded that Thondaiman Ilanthiraiyan was the heir of the Pallava dynasty. In his book “Pattinapalai” he had done extensive research on Thirumavalavan and established through apt evidence that Thirumavalavan and Karikal Peruvalathan are not the same. The majority of the Keelkanakku books were published by Madurai Tamil Sangam. He published the Keelkanakku books that were not published before his time and had been identified by his publisher's note. It is noted that “Muthollayiram” is the only book he published as text text-only edition. His editions are well-known for indicating the differences in the explanations of the classical texts, additional explanations of the texts and proper documentation and attribution to other writer’s works. Hence, this study does an intensive study on the select editions of Ra. Ragavaiyangar.
Keywords: Ra.Ragavaiyangar, Classical Tamil Literature, Editions, Evaluation.
12. வேதாத்திரி மகரிஷியின் இயற்கை வளங்களைக் காக்கும் நதிநீர் இணைப்பு திட்டம் பற்றிய ஓர் ஆய்வு
வெ. மோகனமாலா & முனைவர் ச. விஜயலட்சுமி
A Study on the River Inter-Linking Project for the Conservation of Natural Resources by Vethathiri Maharishi
V. Mohanamala & Dr. C. Vijayalakshmi
Vedatri Maharishi's vision of world peace is an ideal reformative idea of world peace and he emphasizes the need to implement his river inter-linking project to produce enough food and water throughout the year. Food and water are essential for human life. Individuals and society should enjoy these natural resources without discrimination. India has been suffering from poverty and water scarcity for many years. The population also increases too much. To solve these problems with sustainable ideas, Vethathiri Maharishi has proposed fourteen life reform projects called Vethaththiriyam which is a role model for world peace. Among them, the thirteenth project is the general distribution of food and water throughout the world. On 21.03.2003, a seminar on the River linking project was held in the presence of Vethathiri Maharishi and the Chairman of the Central Commission for River Connectivity at the Azhiyar Temple of Consciousness (Arivu Thirukovil). It seems a reformation for India today but in the fields of agriculture and drinking water emerges as a great challenge due to the non-awareness of the people without responsibility. Maharishi’s plan will help surely to overcome this crisis. Hence, the purpose of this article is to examine the river-linking project developed by Vethathiri Maharishi for the welfare of mankind.
Keywords: Vethathiri Maharishi, Vethaththiriyam, Natural resource, River Inter-linking Project.
13. தொல்காப்பியரின் வழி திணை மற்றும் பால் கோட்பாட்டை உணர்த்தும் தொன்னூலார்
கி. மோனிஷா & முனைவர் இரா. சொர்ணபமிலா
Thonnular’s Thinai and Pal Kotpadu in the Perspective of Tholkappiyar
K. Monisha & Dr. R. Sorna Bamila
Tamil is a language rich in literature and grammar. Many grammar books have appeared in Tamil in the 20th century. Literature is based on language. Grammar helps explain the structure of the language. Among such Tamil grammar books, “Tholkappiyam” is the oldest grammar book composed by Tholkappiar and one of the five essential Tamil books is “Tonnul Villakam” from the eighteenth century written by the Italian Tamil scholar Costanzio Giuseppe Beschi. In it, while talking about the two divisions, Tolkappiyar says that the Uyirinai (Man) is of the highest division and the (Agrinai) other beings are of second importance. Thonnular contradicts himself by stating that God and Hell are included in the supreme division. As a standard procedure to categorise Thinai according to Pal (gender), Thonnular did not explain the masculine gender (pedi) from the higher division (Uyar Thinai Pal). He points out that both thinais are the same. Moreover, Thonnular depicts them as Uyarthinai Pal and Agrinai Pal and confusingly gives explanations while delineating singular and plural without depiction of gender. However, Tholkappiar has handled many verses to depict the perspectives of gender. The Tholkappiya renditions estimate the Vinai Viguthigal as eleven but the Thonool verses did not explain it deeply. At some places, Thonoolar is witty. Hence, the article decodes the nuances and the in-depth details of Thinai and Pal Kotpadu from the viewpoint of Tholkappiar.
Keywords: Tholkappiam, Thonnool Vilakkam, Thinai, Pal Kotpadu.
14. கலித்தொகையில் இயற்கை
வே. ரத்னா & முனைவர் மு. கவிதா
Natural in Kalithogai
V. Rathna & Dr. M. Kavitha
Sangam Songs portray the lives of Sangam Tamil people who lived their lives very close to nature. They have given life and feeling to natural objects and sung in glory of them. The life in which nature and man lived together has been seen as an important one in the life of the Sangam age. Sangam literature is the living existence of Tamil culture and tradition. It portrays the heritage of the Tamil people. The Sangam poems are divided into internal (Agam) and external (Puram) songs. The individual life of the ancient Tamils can be clearly understood if we examine the poetry of the internal songs (Aga Padalgal). Among the internal song categories, “Kalithogai” is one of them. The speciality of “Kalithogai” is its fine portrayal of nature. The poets of the Sangam era sing about the existence of nature and the life of the people in their songs. They chose some natural phenomenal events that attracted them to life in their natural landscapes. They never sang which is useless for life. It enlivens the hearts of the ones who come across those songs and is a treasure of life for the degrading modern generation. Hence, an in-depth study has been made to evaluate the natural ecology present in the lines of “Kalithogai”..
Keywords: Kalithogai, Natural Ecology, Sangam Literature, Tamil Life, Tamil Culture.
15. Efficacy of Environmental Hygiene Intervention Programme among Selected Women in Tamil Nadu
J. Vidhya
In India, personal hygienic environment and sanitation facilities are the top priorities of the community to develop in the rural population. Nevertheless, the aforementioned priorities need to be improved for the substantial promotion of each family's growth. This goal cannot be met without the full participation of women in the rural community. There remains a gap in the assessment of hygienic literacy, practices, and effectiveness in the implementation of hygienic environments in rural areas. The present study aimed to assess the level of awareness, attitude, and practice of environmental hygiene toward the achievement of good environmental hygiene. 500 families were selected at Eazhunagarkudiruppu, Kallukkatti, and Chengalpattu in Tamil Nadu. These rural areas are assessed to identify the effectiveness of environmental hygiene through the interview cum observation method as a tool among the select women of these places. A five-day intensive environmental hygienic programme was conducted for the selected participants. Various parameters including demographic profile, comparison, and relationship with hygienic knowledge, attitude, and practice before and after the education programme were also evaluated. Finally, it is observed that the people in rural areas lack environmental hygienic practices. The study concluded that awareness programmes are the most influential factor and have a significant and positive relationship with the development of environmental hygiene. Thus, the awareness programme and related education services towards proper and good sanitation practices are a vital need to promote a hygienic environment among women. The programme “Intervention – Creating Awareness on Environmental Hygiene” helped to identify the lack and to make sustainable solutions to raise awareness of environmental hygiene.
Keywords: Environment Hygiene, Education, Efficacy, SDG, Women, Tamil Nadu.
16.Unveiling Agricultural Odes with the aid of Thirukkural: A Bio-centric Study in the works of Munro and Bond
R. Jayasri, Dr. M. Anjum Khan
This study delves into the significant thematic intersections of farming, agriculture, and environment found in the select short stories of two distinguished authors, Alice Munro and Ruskin Bond. It discovers how these literary stalwarts employ the backdrop of rural life, farming, and the natural world to illustrate deeper human experiences. Alice Munro’s stories frequently take place in rural Canada, where farming and agriculture play an important role in the lives of the people. Her stories depict the fortitude and perseverance of humans confronted with natural problems, underlining the inherent link between mankind and the land. Similarly, Ruskin Bond’s stories set in the Indian countryside generate a sense of nostalgia and a longing for simplicity. His stories demonstrate the peaceful cohabitation of humans and the environment, emphasising the need to protect our natural surroundings. Also, in Tamil literature, Thiruvalluvar has portrayed the importance of nature and environment in his work Thirukkural. Under the section “Porul” which means Wealth, in the subchapter “Kudiyiyal” meaning ‘Domestic Virtue’, Valluvar highlights the interconnection of humans with nature. He gives importance to agriculture, farming and the importance of a balanced environment in that chapter. By touching on the references from “Tirukkural”, one can understand the need for nature in harmony to keep our lives in harmony. Bond and Munro also have the same viewpoint regarding nature. The short stories taken up for study are Munro’s “Dear Life,” “Labor Day Dinner,” “In Sight of Lake,” and “Lichen,” and Bond’s “Blue Umbrella,” “Summer Season,” “As Times Goes By,” and “Growing Up with Trees”. This article highlights how Munro and Bond skilfully integrate rural life, occupation and nature into their narratives to emphasise the value of humans’ relationship with land and environment.
Keywords: Rural Life, Human-Nature Relationship, Eco-Conscious, Short Stories, Alice Munro, Ruskin Bond, Thirukkural.
17. Ecological Bond of Trees and Characters from the English Renditions of Kalki’s Ponniyin Selvan
Dr. Sreeja Balakrishnan
Trees are seen as the universal symbol of life in literature. The relation of the trees to the humans and vice-versa form an important web of sustainability. Kalki Krishnamurthy’s Ponniyin Selvan, the classic novel vibrantly holds this view. There are numerous depictions of trees in the novel having bondage with the characters. The paper tries to decipher the ecological bond between the characters with the trees. The depiction of ecology in Kalki Krishnamurthy’s “Ponniyin Selvan” would enable better comprehension of the scientific theories of human survival and the evolution of intelligent species with admirable character traits. The concept of trees used in the novel is remarkable. The unsurpassable use of the images of nature employed in the work gives testimony to the author’s strong bond with nature. It portrays the Tamil sense and culture at the pinnacle of the Chozla Empire. The paper also analyses how Kalki Krishnamurthy has connected the characters Prince Arulmozli, Lord Pazluvoor, Vandiya Devan, Thirumalai Nambi Azlvar-adiyan, Sendan Amudan and Kundavai to trees. Kalki employs trees as symbols to convey the significant characteristic traits of principal characters in “Ponniyin Selvan” such as Arulmozli’s magnanimity, Lord Pazluvoor’s sacrifice and martyrdom, Vandiya Devan’s aesthetic admiration and love, Nambi’s spirituality, Sendan Amudan’s pious graciousness and Kundavai’s nobility. All these aspects are conveyed to the readers by relating the characters to various species of trees. Hence, the article investigates the bond between the trees and the characters of “Ponniyin Selvan”.
Keywords: Ecological Bond, Trees, Characters, English Renditions, Kalki’s Ponniyin Selvan.