தமிழ் மொழி மற்றும் இலக்கிய பன்னாட்டு ஆய்விதழ்

அறிஞர்களால் மதிப்பீடு செய்யப்படும் அரையாண்டு பன்னாட்டு ஆய்விதழ்

UGC CARE Listed Journal From July 2020

Volume - 7 Issue - 1 July 2024

தொகுதி - 7, இதழ் - 1, ஜீலை 2024

Articles 01-06


தமிழ்மொழி மற்றும் இலக்கியத்திற்காக எமது தமிழ்மொழி மற்றும் இலக்கியப் பன்னாட்டு ஆய்விதழ் (Ijtlls) இலக்கிய மற்றும் ஆராய்ச்சி அரும்பணியைச் செய்து வருகின்றது. இது எமது ஏழாம் தொகுதியின் முதல் இதழாகும். இத்தொகுதியில் ஆறு ஆய்வுக்கட்டுரைகள் இடம் பெற்றுள்ளன. தமிழர் பண்பாட்டை வெளிப்படுத்தும் நூலான அகநானூற்றில் தொல்காப்பியர் சுட்டும் வினை உவமை, பயன் உவமை புனைந்துள்ள விதம் மற்றும் “தண்டியலங்காரம்” குறிப்பிடும் விபரீத உண்மை, புகழ் உவமை, இணைப்பு உவமை போன்றவை சங்கப்பாடல்களோடு புலப்படும் பாங்கினை விளக்கி சிறப்பு வாய்ந்த உவமையின் அழகினை அ. சங்கீதா அவர்கள் சிறப்பாகப் பதிவு செய்துள்ளார். பெண் சமூகத்திற்கு நல்ல விழிப்புணர்வை ஏற்படுத்த இயலும் என்ற நோக்கில் தமிழச்சியின் கத்தி என்ற கதைப்பாடலில் சுப்பம்மா என்னும் வீரத்தமிழச்சியைப் படைத்துள்ளார் புரட்சிக்கவிஞர். அவளின் போராட்டக்குணத்தைப் பற்றி ஆராய்வதுதான் முனைவர் சு. சரஸ்வதி அவர்களின் ஆய்வு நோக்கமாகத் திகழ்ந்துள்ளது. சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் பெயர் அறியாப் புலவர்கள் பாடலில் இடம்பெறும் ஒப்புமைகளும் விவரணைகளும் பற்றி லெப்டினன்ட். சி. பரசுராமன் அவர்கள் ஆய்வு செய்த விதம் ஆய்வுலகிற்குப் பயனளிக்கும் விதத்தில் அமைந்துள்ளது. காளியின் கோயில், காளியை வழிபடும் முறை, இன்றைய காலத்தில் காளி வழிபாடு, நடைபெறும் விதம் ஆகியவற்றை விளக்குவதாக ச. மோகனப்பிரியா அவர்களின் கலிங்கத்துப்பரணியில் காளிவழிபாடு என்ற ஆய்வுக்கட்டுரை அமைகிறது. மாணவர்களின் படைப்பாற்றலையும் புதுமை காணும் மாண்பையும் வளப்படுத்தும் ஸ்டெம் கற்பித்தல்-கற்றல் முறையின் முக்கியத்துவத்தை முனைவர் வீ. ரெங்கநாயகி அவர்களின் அய்வுக் கட்டுரை விவரிக்கிறது. பொருள் வயிற்பிரிவின் போது, பாசறையிடத்து, அல்லகுறியிடத்து மற்றும் வினைமுடிந்து வீடு திரும்பும்போது என பல இடங்களில் தலைவனின் நெஞ்சொடு கிளத்தல் நிகழ்வினையும், தலைவி தலைவனை நினைத்து வருந்தும் நிலையில் தலைவியின் நெஞ்சொடு கிளத்தல் நிகழ்வினையும், உடன்போக்கு சென்ற தனது மகளை நினைத்து வருந்தும் நிலையில் நற்றாயின் நெஞ்சொடு கிளத்தல் நிகழ்வினையும், தலைமகளைப் பிரிந்து துன்புறும் தன் மனநிலையைக் கூறும் செவிலித்தாயின் நெஞ்சொடு கிளத்தல் நிகழ்வினையும் அகநானூற்றுப் பாடல்கள் எடுத்துரைக்கும் விதத்தினை ப. ஷைனி அவர்களின் அகநானூற்று 'நெஞ்சொடு கிளத்தல்' பாடல்களில் கதைக்கூறுகள் எனும் தலைப்பில் அமைந்த ஆய்வுக்கட்டுரையில் அறியலாம். ஆய்வாளர்களின் அனைத்துக் கட்டுரைகளையும் ஆய்வு நெறிமுறைகளின்படி தணிக்கைச் செய்து மதிப்புரை வழங்கி செம்மைப்படுத்தித் தமிழ் மொழி மற்றும் இலக்கியப் பன்னாட்டு ஆய்விதழ் (IJTLLS) இணையத்தில் பிரசுரம் செய்து உள்ளது. எதிர்காலத்தில் தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சிகளை உலக அரங்கத்திற்கு எடுத்துச் செல்ல ஓர் ஆய்வுக்களமாக எமது இதழ் செயல்பட்டு வருகிறது. அதற்கு உறுதுணை அளித்த அனைவருக்கும் நன்றி.



1. அகநானூற்றில் உவமை நயம்

அ. சங்கீதா & முனைவர் அ. தெய்வவள்ளி

Allegory in Agananooru

A. Sangeetha & Dr. A. Deivavalli


Sangam literature shows the life of Tamil people and the various changes, developments and creations that happened from time to time. “Agananooru” is a book full of concepts related to the Agam (internal life) way of life. The songs of this book contain many allegories and proverbs that would uplift the character of an individual. It is also remarkable to consider that natural resources, wind, rain and other forms of the natural environment have the power to change the nature of people. Therefore, the way of life of the people is adapted to the natural system and environment present there. “Agananooru” reveals the rich heritage and culture of Tamils. Even allegories are found in any literature; Tamil Literary works are studded with many allegories to reveal the secrets of truth and life to the people. “Agananooru” has many messages that deal with the allegorical descriptions. The purpose of the article is to explore the use of allegories and metaphors by explaining the style seen in the songs of “Agananooru” referring along with Tolkappiyar's similes throughout the songs. It also portrays how metaphors of utility are created, the truths mentioned by “Thandiyalankaram” like the simile of fame, the simile of connection, etc. are employed in the songs.

Keywords: Agananooru, Allegory, Quality, Sangam Literature.

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2. தமிழச்சியின் கத்தி - சுப்பம்மாவின் வீரவுணர்வு

முனைவர் சு. சரஸ்வதி

Thamizhachin Katthi – The Braveheart of Subbamma

Dr. S. Saraswathy


The revolutionary poet Bharathidasan is devoted to Tamil and his ethnicity. As a result, he hated Hindi, which was an obstacle to the development of the Tamil language, and Northern politics, which was an obstacle to the development of Tamils. Subbamma's chastity and the bravery with which she destroyed the northerner Sudharisan Singh attracted the revolutionary poet and in the year 1949, he wrote the ballad “Tamilachi's Kathi” in commomeration of her bravery. King Desingu had hatred and murderous passion towards Tamils. Subbamma's sense of self and self-sacrifice changed his fanaticism and hostility towards Tamils. Knowing the life and way of Tamil, he did good for the people of Tamil Nadu. The poet has set up the story in such a famous manner. She stands high as a woman who protects the masses without falling into the trap of desire. Many critics praised Subbamma for her strong moral and sagacious character who did not want to survive if she lost her chastity. Pavender Bharathidasan has followed a method of creating female characters in traditional and modern innovative ways. Bharathidasan in “Tamilachi's Knife” shows excellence in intelligence, bravery in fighting with a sword, noble character of living based on Tamil culture and chastity, their attachment to the motherland and mother tongue Tamil, self-esteem and rationality. He has created the character Subbamma full of spirit and commitment with Tamil patriotism.

Keywords: Bharathidasan, Thamizhachin Katthi, Braveheart, Subbamma.

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3. எட்டுத்தொகையில் பெயர் அறியாப் புலவர் பாடல்களில் ஒப்புமைகளும் விவரணைகளும்

லெப்டினன்ட். சி. பரசுராமன்

Analogies and Descriptions of the Anonymous Poets of Ettuththogai

Lt. C. Parasuraman


It is very interesting to compare and analyze the messages recorded through the songs of the anonymous poets found in Sangam literature. In it, “Ettuththogai” songs show the land and life-related cultural messages delivered by those poets. By examining the names of Sangam poets, many features of the Sangam period and Tamil society can be well understood. There are fifteen songs sung by unidentified poets. They contain historical messages. It consists of five hymns with references to the ancient Kurunila kings (Dukes). Their lives can be known through these songs. A type of connection is seen in the songs of the famous unknown poets. There are several songs for evidence to prove that Tamil social history is ancient. The songs of “Ettuththogai” prove them better. By comparing the historical stories about the war of small land kings (Dukes) in the songs of the anonymous poets in Sangam literature, the effects of war, generosity, the steadfastness of the poets were known and the news related to the unknown poets could also be identified through the songs. There is also evidence that the Tamil people admired the warriors. They planted a hero stone and worshipped those who died fighting for their group. This cult originated in the Tamil society and continued to the present times in the rural areas. Hence, there are many analogies and descriptions found in the songs of “Ettuththogai” and this article scrutinizes them with ample evidence.

Keywords: Ettuththogai, Anonymous Poet, Parables, Narratives.

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4. கலிங்கத்துப்பரணியில் காளி வழிபாடு

ச. மோகனப்பிரியா & முனைவர் ச. குருஞானாம்பிகா

Kali Worship in Kalingattuparani

S. Mohanapriya & Dr. S. Gurugnanambiga


Worship has been in practice among humans since the dawn of the human race. Worship is based on faith. Tamil tradition is based on the worship of the ancestors and Gods. In the ancient history of Tamilnadu, people believed in the worship of god. Nature was their initial element of worship. Bhakti is also considered for showing love and worship of God. They created and worshipped God after nature. Worship is needed to enrich life with all blessings. Most people worship for the peace of mind and to enjoy life. The art of worshipping can be witnessed in Sangam literature. People worshipped the elements which astonished their souls and followed them. They created a figure out of it and started to worship. Sangam people divided their lives as ‘Agam’ and ‘Puram’ and the methods of worship were done according to the landscapes. Palai is one of the land and Kali is the Goddess of the men who dwell in this landscape. Kali is the one who ends the human life and gives salvation. Kali is considered as the Goddess of destruction. Kali is called Koravai in Tamil Nadu. Tamil literature shows Kortavai as the god of the Palai land (desert). Palai land people worshipped Koravai for success in their hunts. They are also successful in hunting. Kali is also the Goddess of victory and war. Sangam literature also contains many records about Kali. In Sangam literature, during the time of warfare, Kali worship was practised among the people and even human sacrifice was performed to attain victory in war. “Kalingattuparani” is one of the best works found in the minor literature category (Sitrilakiyam). There is Kali worship has been practised by the warlords to attain victory in “Kalingattuparani”. This article examines the Kali worship found in “Kalingattuparani”.

Keywords: Tamil People, Sangam Life, Kali Worship, Kalingattuparani.

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5. தற்போதைய கல்விச் சூழ்நிலையில் தமிழ் மூலம் ஸ்டெம் கற்றல்-கற்பித்தலின் முக்கியத்துவம்

முனைவர் வீ. ரெங்கநாயகி

Significance of STEM Pedagogy Through Tamil in Present Academic Scenario

Dr. V. Renganayaki


Worship was essential for man to know himself and to live in harmony with society when he sought to live a morally depraved life. When the virtues and social morals in human life are well respected and followed, people's lives become pure and happy. Religions were formed to teach people virtue and morality when they lost their morals. Later on, they brought in idolatry as well. Then temples started to be formed. These later became community centres. They also served as food halls for the poor and the disabled. But it must be said that the ancient cults were completely different from this. They were very afraid of natural disasters such as hurricanes, storms, volcanic eruptions, and ocean waves. They fully believed that there was a power in the universe beyond themselves. Because of that, they worshipped nature itself as God. Because of that worship, nature also protected itself. As human civilization grew, the temples also became more and more. The nature of each clan as one God changed and they built and worshipped their temples according to their religion and clan. The state of worshipping the Lord by dividing the God based on caste and building their temples has developed. Religious sages lived without selfishness and devoted their lives to the people and their needs. When any evil befell the people or the kings, they protected them from evil. In this way, Avinashi is a special place that was praised by religious gurus like Arunagirinathar, Appar, Sundarar, and Manikkavasakar. The thalapurana mentions that Avinasiyappar is the one who existed from the root of Vishwanatha in Kashi. Thus, this article is based on the merits of the divine Avinasi temple and the methods of worship.

KeywordsTamil People, Sangam Life, Kali Worship, Kalingattuparani.

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6. அகநானூற்று 'நெஞ்சொடு கிளத்தல்' பாடல்களில் கதைக்கூறுகள்

ப. ஷைனி & முனைவர் த. மினி

Soliloquies and their Subject in the Songs of Agananooru

P. Shyni & Dr. T. Mini


The Sangam period not only depicts the Tamil culture, society and ethical morality but also depicts the lifestyle of human society. Both the leader (Thalaivan) and the Beloved (Thalaivi) lived in great love during the times of Love life (Kalavuk Kathal) and Married life (Karpuk Kathal). 'Agham' is of the nature of stating the state of mind that exists. The leader and the beloved live in happier terms but sometimes there will be a separation between the leader and the beloved. The separation may be of many causes but it will distress either of them. A sort of deep nostalgia occurs in them due to the separation. At that time, they talk to themselves. Speaking to one's self is 'soliloquy'. In Agananottru, soliloquies of both Thalaivan (Leader) and Thalaivi (Beloved) are seen. Each of them in the mood of separation speaks to his or her mind. The soliloquies of the Leader (Thalaivan) occurs in many places, such as during the separation of the beloved, while at war or returning home from business. Similarly, some songs portray the soliloquies of the Beloved (Thalaivi) over the separation from the leader. Some songs narrate the Mother’s soliloquy on her daughter (Thalaivi) who has gone with the hero Thalaivan. Other some songs deal with the soliloquies of the Matron (Sevili Thai) that narrates the grief of her on her separation with Thalaivi. One can identify that these soliloquies of the songs originates from the bewildered state of the Leader, Beloved, Mother of beloved or from the matron of beloved. Therefore, the paper investigates about the soliloquies and their subject found in the songs of “Agananooru”.

KeywordsAgananooru, Soliloquy, Stories, Tamil Culture.

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